- Classic Arcade Games
- Ms Pacman Speed Up
(1981) (Video
- Galaga
- Ms Pacman Cocktail Sitdown
- Galaga Cocktail Sitdown
- Asteroids Deluxe
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Joust
- Missile Command
- Pacman
- Centipede
- Millipede
- Dig Dug
- Frogger
- Super Mario Bros
- Space Invaders Silver
Anniversary (1978-2003)
- Q*Bert
- Qix Silver Anniversary

- Player vs Player Fighting Games
- King of Fighters 2002
- Marvel Super Heroes
- Marvel Super Heroes vs Street
- Marvel vs Capcom
- Marvel vs Capcom
2 (2000)
- Mortal Kombat III - Ultimate
- Samurai Shodown
- Street Fighter 2 Champion
- Super Street Fighter 2 - New
- Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike
- Tekken 5
- X-Men vs Street Fighter
- X-Men - Children of the Atom

- Driving & Racing
(Ordered by year and line up in the arcade)
- Afterburner
- Sega Hang On (1985)
- Sega Outrun
- Rush 2049SE
- Crusin' World (linked)
- Crusin' World (linked)

- Sports, Puzzle & Wrestling
- BIG Puzzle Bobble
Large 42" Screen
- BIG Tetris
Large 42" Screen
- NFL Blitz 200 Gold
(1999) (4 player)
- NBA Showtime
(1999) (4 player)
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
- Magical Drop II
Open Wed - Sunday
And Always Family Friendly |

- Pinball
- Baby Pacman
- Monopoly
- Metallica
- Star Wars Episode 1 (Video
- 300
(NEW-On the floor)
- Terminator 2 Judgment Day
- Wizard
(NEW-On the floor)

- Beat 'em Ups, Side Scrollers & Adventure
- Aliens
- Altered Beast
- Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja
- Commando
(NEW-On the floor)
- Final Fight
- Golden Axe
- Gauntlet Legends
(1998) (4 player)
- Heavy Barrel
- King of Dragons
- Metal Slug 2
- Simpsons (1991) (4 player)
- Sunset Riders
- Tecmo Knight
(NEW-On the floor)
- Time Soldiers
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
(1989) (4 player)
- Two Crude Dudes
(NEW-On the floor)
- Wild Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of
Moo Mesa

- Flying Shoot 'em Ups
- 1943 Battle for Midway
(1987) (Video
- 1941 Counter Attack
(NEW-On the floor)
- 19XX The War Against Destiny (1995)
- Twin Cobra
(NEW-On the floor)
- Areo Fighters (1992)
- Raiden 1 (1990)
- Raiden 2 (1993)
- Varth - Operation Thunderstorm
(NEW-On the floor)
- Twin Cobra (1987)

- Shooting & Gun
- Johnny Nero Action Hero
- Lethal Enforcers 2
- Area 51
(1995) (Video
- Maximum Force
- Police Trainer
- Rapid Fire

- Neo Geo Games Currently Available
- King of Fighters 1996
- King of Fighters 1998
- King of Fighters 2000
- King of Fighters 2002
- Puzzle Bobble